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BID's total quality management model presents 100 points in 10 fundamental areas of the company



They are basic concepts and parameters to manage total quality control, always providing the appropriate channels through which to pursue optimal solutions in the essential activities related to the organization. 

We want to hear from you! What does quality mean to your organization?

We invite you to record a video explaining the application of one of the following points of our QC100 total quality model in your company or institution.
How does your organization accomplish and prolong customer satisfaction obtained through the voice of your clients?
How are information and your goals for performance transmitted among your head management and employees to improve competitiveness and performance.
What are your company goals and values and how do you keep them alive?

Total Quality Management Model

The QC100 total quality management model has been widely used in industry, education, administration and services. It is considered “total” because it involves all employees of the company, as well as all people related to the organization.


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